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eCommerce 101: B2B eCommerce Best Practices

Learn how to better leverage B2B eCommerce to grow revenue and win business from a new generation of buyers and procurement professionals.

In more recent years, B2B eCommerce adoption has accelerated, driven by the advantages to buyers and sellers. Today, eCommerce plays a crucial role in the growth and successes of B2B sellers, wholesales, distributors and manufacturers.

In this eBook, we share what you need to know about B2B eCommerce to grow revenue and win business from a new generation of buyers and procurement professionals.

What’s Inside

  • The 3 top trends in B2B eCommerce today
  • The importance of B2B eCommerce and how it benefits both buyers and suppliers
  • How to get started and measure success of B2B eCommerce
  • The key strategies suppliers should know to grow B2B eCommerce revenue and win business from a new generation of buyers and procurement professionals

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The latest news, reports and resources for B2B connected commerce.

understanding headless commerce punchout



Understanding Headless Commerce & PunchOut

Explore how businesses are leveraging headless commerce and PunchOut to enhance their B2B shopping experience.
Read more: Understanding Headless Commerce & PunchOut



PunchOut: The Future of B2B Transactions

This white paper explores the power of PunchOut, including how it's set up, the challenges it solves, and the benefits for both suppliers and their customers.
Read more: PunchOut: The Future of B2B Transactions
one hand using trackpad on laptop to view punchout catalog concepts



PunchOut Catalog: What It Is and How It Works

PunchOut is a connection between a buyer's eProcurement solution and a supplier's eCommerce shopping cart. PunchOut helps suppliers provide real-time catalog pricing and availability to their buyers.
Read more: PunchOut Catalog: What It Is and How It Works

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